A driving under the influence (DUI) infraction can result in numerous inconvenient consequences. Those convicted of a DUI may temporarily lose their driver's licenses. They may have to serve time and state facilities and pay fines. They may find that their criminal...

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Month: September 2024
How to tell your spouse and children about divorce
Divorce is a challenging and emotional process that affects the entire family. Deciding to end your marriage is the first difficult step. Communicating this news to your spouse and children is the next. Below are tips for breaking this life-changing news to your loved...
3 mistakes to avoid when negotiating child custody
A divorce or separation is challenging enough for the couple that’s splitting up. The process gets even more emotional and complex when you add children to the mix. If you’re going to do what’s best for your child, you should avoid certain mistakes that could make the...
The law caught my teen with drugs; what can I expect?
Finding out that authorities caught your teenager with drugs can turn your world upside down. Pennsylvania takes juvenile drug offenses seriously. Your child might face tough legal and personal consequences that could affect their future. Knowing what might happen can...
Can you “sleep it off” in a car to avoid DUI?
After having a few too many drinks and realizing it is not safe to drive home, some people might think that sleeping in their car until they sober up is a safe solution. But can sleeping it off in a car truly help you avoid a driving under the influence (DUI) charge?...