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What should PA drivers know about implied consent laws?  

On Behalf of | Jan 30, 2025 | Driving Offenses

When you get your Pennsylvania driver’s license, you agree to more than just following traffic rules. Your signature means you’ll take a chemical test if police suspect you of drunk driving. This rule, called implied consent, affects every driver in PA.  

Basics of PA’s implied consent law  

PA law requires all licensed drivers to take breath, blood or urine tests when police have good reason to suspect DUI. You agree to this when you get your license. It’s not a choice you make during a traffic stop. The law helps police catch drunk drivers and keep roads safe.  

What happens if you say no  

Refusing a chemical test brings strict penalties that stand apart from any DUI charges. Here’s what you risk:  

  • Your license gets suspended for one year on first refusal  
  • You face an 18-month suspension for later refusals  
  • You’ll get these penalties even if you beat the DUI charge  
  • Prosecutors can use your refusal against you in court  
  • You’ll pay extra fines  

The refusal won’t stop police from charging you with DUI. They can still use other proofs like field sobriety tests or dash cam videos to build their case.  

Why refusal often backfires  

Saying no to the test often leads to worse outcomes than taking it. You’ll deal with both the refusal penalties and possible DUI charges at the same time. Plus, judges tend to view test refusals as a sign of guilt.  

PA drivers face tough choices when pulled over for DUI. The law’s penalties hit hard, and one wrong move can affect your license, job and freedom. If you find yourself facing these issues, talking to a DUI lawyer can help you know your rights and options. They can guide you through PA’s strict DUI laws and work to protect your driving privileges.