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Effective Legal Solutions With

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Monroe County Alimony And Child Support Lawyers

When divorce turns a single household supported by two incomes into two separate, single-income households, it can put an enormous financial strain on everyone concerned.

At Leeth and Gaglione, we help clients obtain fair support terms in connection with the divorce process and can effectively protect your interests in both contested court cases and in out-of-court negotiations. We have extensive experience representing parties on both sides of the support equation and encourage you to call or contact our lawyers to discuss your concerns about these issues.

You Have Questions. We Have Answers.

“Can the amount of child support or spousal support that I pay or receive be changed after the divorce is final?”

Generally speaking, the answer is yes (but not always).

The basic requirement for obtaining a support modification in either case is a substantial change in circumstances. Examples of changes that have served as the basis for modifications in previous family law and divorce-related cases include:

  • Medical illness or disability
  • Decreased income for either party due to job loss, layoffs or reduced hours
  • Increases in income for either party
  • Increased or decreased child care costs
  • Cost of living changes
  • Remarriage or cohabitation with a new partner by either party
  • A child reaches the age of 18

While it’s often possible to simply negotiate with your former spouse and make these changes without court approval, it’s dangerous to do so. The reason is that such an agreement will have no legal effect. In practical terms, this could mean being held in contempt of court for failing to comply with the existing court order or simply being left high and dry by a former spouse who agreed to increase his or her support payment but later reneged on that promise.

Serving The Poconos And Northeastern Pennsylvania

For answers to other questions you may have about Pennsylvania’s child support and spousal support laws, call our Stroudsburg office location at 570-559-5721 or contact us online to make arrangements for a free initial consultation with one of our attorneys.

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