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Do you need a supervised child custody exchange?

On Behalf of | Dec 13, 2021 | Child Custody

It would be great if all Pennsylvania parents who file for divorce could settle their cases amicably and fully cooperate as co-parents. Unfortunately, this is often far from true. In fact, many child custody cases are contentious, especially if one parent accuses the other of being unfit.

Enlisting third party help for a monitored or supervised custody transfer

In some situations, former spouses can’t even be in the same room without getting into an argument. It’s not uncommon, even in the best of circumstances, for co-parents to disagree about parenting issues. However, if a co-parent relationship is so acrimonious that it might expose the children to emotional trauma, it is a good idea to seek monitored or supervised custody exchanges.

With the court’s approval, a neutral third party can help transfer custody, even if it means that this person escorts a child from one parent’s car to the other, parked on the other side of a building so the parents do not have to see each other. A family court judge might order parents to hire a professional supervisor or might allow a trusted friend or family member to provide the service. Even if the court has not ordered parents to use a monitored custody exchange system, parents can agree to do so on their own; however, it is always best to have any proposed custody agreement approved by the court and incorporated into the court order.

When custody exchange problems arise

What if one parent refuses to cooperate or disregards a court order? What if the neutral third party who is appointed to assist in custody exchanges does not show up? Various issues like these can arise that cause legal complications after a divorce. This is one of many reasons it is beneficial to stay in contact with an experienced family law attorney, who can recommend a best course of action in a particular set of circumstances and can be on hand for litigation, if a specific issue must be resolved in court.