Even in families where the parents’ marriage is intact, there can be relationship problems. Kids and parents don’t always get along. Divorce can intensify the stress and sorrow associated with the situation. When one of the parents is intentionally causing child...

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Month: March 2024
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Loyalsock man facing drug charges
Loyalstock Township runs along the Susquehanna River in Pennsylvania. Police paid a visit to a home there to execute a search warrant. As a result, a 41-year-old resident of the home was taken into custody. He is now facing several drug charges, as well as a child...
Proper courtroom attire for a child custody case
Going up against a former spouse in a divorce case means appearance and demeanor will make an impression on the judge. A concerned parent will want this to be a positive impression. The worst thing a parent can do in a Pennsylvania child custody case is assume that...