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Get your child custody plan in order for the holidays

On Behalf of | Nov 12, 2023 | Child Custody

Since the start of 2023, many Pennsylvania parents have filed for divorce. If you’re one of them, you no doubt want to make sure your children are well-provided for, especially regarding their financial needs. To prevent child custody problems as your first post-divorce holiday season approaches, you’ll want to make sure you execute a solid co-parenting plan.  

Achieving an agreement regarding custody issues is a top priority in a divorce when you have children. By discussing details, such as where your kids will spend each holiday, birthday or special occasion, as well as who will cover expenses for gifts, special clothing, travel and more, you can avoid confusion and disputes. It’s fine if you and your ex want to spend holidays together for the sake of your kids. However, it’s also fine if you want to draw up a schedule for rotation, where you each take turns having parenting time for the holidays.  

What if your ex disregards a child custody order? 

One can only imagine a child’s disappointment if he or she expects to spend a holiday with a parent who doesn’t show up at the agreed-upon time or place. If this happens more than once, it not only might ruin your child’s holiday spirit, but it might also mean that your ex is intentionally disregarding your agreement. Such matters can be brought before the court to resolve before they get out of hand.  

At Leeth & Gaglione, in Pennsylvania, a concerned parent can schedule a consultation for guidance and support, either to draft a child custody agreement or to resolve a dispute regarding an existing plan. The court has kids’ best interests in mind when it makes custody decisions. A court order is legally enforceable, and you, as a parent, are entitled to ask the court to resolve the issue if your ex is not adhering to the terms of an existing court order.